Multimedia Narrative: Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence Once a figment of Hollywood’s wildest imagination, the world moves closer and closer everyday to developing the types of artificial intelligence (commonly referred to as AI) you see in movies. You know, those hyper-intelligent  supercomputers that want to wipe out humanity, the robot running around holding a sawed off shotgun with half of …

Blog Post 5: Choose your Adventure

Throughout this semester, my DCI 180: Black Mirror and Digital culture class has encouraged students to broaden their knowledge of the internet through various mediums: TV episodes, scholarly articles, public blogs, news articles, and more, but there was one popular online informational medium that was overlooked, podcasts. In this class, the semester has been broken …

Blog Post 4: A New Spin on History

Have you ever wondered what communication would look like in the past if the mediums of communication we have today would have existed? Below I have simulated what the Twitter feed might have looked like during the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August of 1945. I want to examine both sides of the situation, …

Blog Post 3: Instagram’s Privacy Policy

Over the past few days, I have spent hours combing over the fine print of Instagram’s Privacy Policy (and I very well may be one of only a select few humans on earth to do so). When joining social media, I believe it is fair to say that most people merely glance at the terms …

Blog Post 2: Stalking my Professors

With just a few clicks, not much information isn’t readily available through the internet. Over the past few days I have spent my time gathering a wealth of information on two of my professors: Mary Abdoney and Elizabeth Teaff. It was quite enlightening exactly how much information about each of them I was able to …

Blog Post 1: One Day of Web Interactions

September 17th, 2019: Even before my morning coffee, my day started with the internet: after waking up at 8:45 am, I spent about 5 minutes in bed checking my instagram and snapchat notifications from the night before. Then, I continued by connecting my phone to my bluetooth speaker and streamed music while in the shower. …
